The family is one of the most sacred relationships and therefore, should be cherished. Belonging to one is not by choice but by divine order.
As such, Members of an immediate family should be able to have limitless confidentiality among themselves. And know one another well enough. Irrespective of the situation, they should be able to confide in one another...
But this is seemingly very rare in the world today. As virtually everyone is seclusive in one aspect of their lives or the other. Because of the judgmental attitude of some people towards others, we all tend to be hiding one thing or another. We don't want to be seen as the worst kinds. Most times, these things we are hiding, are actually things that we could have shared with someone who has our best interests at heart, is more experienced than us  and will be able to profer solutions or give advice to avert the underlying problems that may arise. But because at some point or the other, we have confided in such people and they handled the situation with levity or were rather too judgemental, we've decided to always solve it ourselves or worse off, seek counsel from the wrong people. Let's change that perspective from now on;
* You should make it a point of duty to understand your family members.
* Share everything: good or bad;  victories, defeats, joy, sorrow, heartbreaks, successes, failures, and so on...
* Show concern and give deliberate compliments to one another.
* Your family should be your number two solace. That is God being number one.
* Help one another out of your bad habits rather than mock at yourselves with them.
* Chastise with love and not criticism.
* Protect and watch one another's back.
* we all have our own dark sides. Let's not capitalize on that of others as a means of self-consolation.  

It is undisputed that we can find friends with whom to share personal stuff. But truth be told, there's no other relationship like the family relationship. Friends will come and go. But family is like a diamond. Family is forever.


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