Enroll for Computer basic and professional courses in a Training center near you
Available courses include;

- Microsoft Office Suites (Office 360 and 365; MS-Access, MS-Excel, MS-Word, MS SharePoint, MS-PowerPoint,..)

- General Computing: (Computer Fundamentals, Desktop Publishing, Word
Processing, Data Management; MySQL, Oracle, Postgrel,..etc)

- Computer Graphics Design/Animation ( MS Paint, Adobe Creative Suites; photoshop, pageMaker, flash, Fireworks, Corel Graphics Suites; photoPaint, CorelDraw, RAVE, Autodesk SwishMax,...)

- Computerized Accounting: ( Peachtree, QuickBook, Sage, Tall, Vision,...)

- Computer Aided Design (ArchiCAD, AutoCAD; 2D/3D, 3D max, Orion, Revit, STADpro, Solid Works,..)

- Management Information System (MIS)

- Networking (CCNA, N+, Comptia,..)

- Laptop and Desktop Engineering

- Programming/Software Development: (Action Script, C++, C#, Java, Pascal, Pearl, Python, Visual Basic, Dot Net,..)

- Gaming, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

- Web Design: ( Macromedia/Adobe DreamWeaver, HTML/DHTML/XML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, jQuery/jSon, ASP.net, VBscripts,

- Systems Security and Ethical Hacking
- Etcetera...

We also offer Home tutorials in Computer and English Language.
Contact us on +2347066659071 for placement in the most efficient training
 centers  nearest to your location.

Click here http://gorettiyocompanion.blogspot.com/2018/07/computer-technology-products-and.html?m=1 to see other Computer Products and Services we offer.

GYC! Your ever Ready Able and  Willing Companion.


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