PRUDENCE PREVENTS PENURY. Be Frugal with Your Earnings

Financial worth is not measured by the amount you earn but by that which you save. No matter the amount written on your paycheck or the amount of income you generate from your trade and returns from your investments, it takes frugality to escape poverty in the future (when you are feeble and can no longer work). This simply means "being economical with your funds". However it does not imply that you should neglect the basic necessities such as healthy food, comfortable shelter and modest clothing.
There are certain things you just can't manage. For instance, you shouldn't manage èșá tomatoes in order to save money because you might end up spending more than you saved on treatment. Remember health is wealth. And you should not save your transportation fair and track for too long, through unfriendly and unknown places. You could end up getting robbed of everything.
It is very important to divide your income in percentiles and make a scale of preference for all your desires. Beginning with your most basic needs, then your other wants.
Don't save after spending. Spend after saving and investment.
Also, do not invest all your money. Save some just in case of emergencies. They won't tell you they are coming. That's why they are called "emergencies".
Don't be a spendthrift. And don't engage in unnecessary competitions. Always be contented with what you have. You don't always have to follow every new trend that only makes you a slave. It's pointless to cherish luxuries excessively because everything come n go.
Once in a while, give yourself a treat. You deserve it. After all, you've earned your money.
Don't be "kobo-wise, naira-foolish". Just be judicious.


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